
In 2010, MommyCast, nominated by sponsor partner Procter & Gamble’s Pampers division, won the prestigious EFFIE Award, Media Innovation, Technology & Sales Quantification category. Based on P & G Pampers Business Goals and Equity Enhancement Goals,...

2006, and my company, KDCP

In 2006, my company, KDCP became the first interactive company to be represented by William Morris/Endeavor Agency, and Believe Entertainment Group. KDCP also celebrated another first, as a technology platform for performing deep quantitative and qualitative consumer...

For over 20 years, I worked with many great organizations

For over 20 years, I worked with many great organizations in varied capacities, all of which focused on creative ways to get attention, communicate and get results. That work, although I didn’t know at the time, became known as “content marketing,” and it combined my...