The Road To Galena – Interview with Joe Hall

Jul 9, 2022 | aging, books, culture, Health, politics, seniors, technology

The Not Old Better Show Movies for Adults Interview Series

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show on radio and podcast.  I’m Paul Vogelzang and today’s show is brought to you by  

As part of our Art of Living, Film Interview series, our guest today is Joe Hall.  Joe Hall is a first-time feature filmmaker and has written the July 8 release of The Road To Galena.  We’ll hear from Joe Hall about his new movie, what it took to make a wonderful film on location during COVID, and what it took to make a film of this type.  You see, films like ‘The Road To Galena are really not made much anymore.  In an era of blockbusters, action universe series prequels, sequels and remakes, there aren’t scripts like ‘The Road To Galena,’ but Joe Hall has written one.  I’ve seen the film and it is wonderful.  

The Road to Galena follows one man’s pursuit of personal fulfillment over traditional success. Cole Baird ( played by Ben Winchell ) has everything — a beautiful wife, a successful career, a large home, and membership to an elite country club.

Behind the facade, however, is a man trapped by his surroundings and falling ever behind in the pursuit of his life’s dream.

Not strong enough to confront his father’s expectations, he left his true love, his best friend, and a fulfilling life in small-town America to embark on a legal career — intent to, one day, return.

Now the rising star in Washington social circles and the youngest managing partner in the history of a powerhouse D.C. law firm, Cole is given the choice to continue the path of success in a life to which he never aspired or to return to the community that nurtured him.

Let’s listen to a clip from the film between Cole and his father.

That of our course is a clip from the new film, released July 8, titled “The Road To Galena.”  Our guest today is writer and first-time feature filmmaker of the film, Joe Hall.

Please join me in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show on radio and podcast, filmmaker Joe Hall.

My thanks to for sponsoring today’s show.  Please check out our show notes for more on the great new tools for finding out more about your family search from in our show notes today.  

My thanks to Joe Hall for his excellent interview, all due to Joe, and his excellent film, “The Road To Galena:”, now in theaters and On Demand.    My thanks to you, my wonderful Not Old Better Show Audience.  Please be well, be safe and let’s eliminate assault rifles.  Assault rifles are not needed and our children and grandchildren are suffering in schools.  Please help.  Let’s do better, and let’s talk about better.  The Not Old Better show on radio and podcast. Thanks, everybody and I’ll see you next week.