#269 Ronald Reagan - A Life Well Played

Ronald Reagan – A Life Well Played

Smithsonian Associates, Interview Series with author Bob Spitz

Welcome to the Not Old Better Show, I’m your host Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode number 269

 As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living series, we’re joined today by author Bob Spitz, who’ll be discussing his new book, Ronald Reagan: A Life Well Played. 

What a pleasure it is for me to be talking with Bob Spitz about our beloved President Ronald Reagan.  As a boy, I met then California Governor Reagan, and his wife Nancy at a neighborhood fund raiser.  I shook Governor Reagan’s hand and have since then been a huge fan of the man who while famous for so much, which we’ll discuss, said:  A hungry child knows no politics, and was a man of wit, charm and deep conviction.   

Author Bob Spitz is the award-winning author of the biographies Dearie: The Remarkable Life of Julia Child and The Beatles, both New York Times bestsellers, as well as six other nonfiction books and a screenplay. He has represented Bruce Springsteen and Elton John in several capacities, but it’s Bob Spitz’ current book about Ronald Reagan,  that really caught my attention.  I’ve read the book, thoroughly enjoyed it, and I know The Not Old Better Show audience will love it, too…

Learn more about this episode of The Not Old Better Show at https://notold-better.com

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