#154 How To Make Money over age 55 with ACX, from Amazon

How To Make Money over age 55 with ACX, from Amazon

The Not Old Better Interview Series

Most people who continue working after retirement age don’t stay on in their current jobs, according to Boston College’s Sloan Center on Aging & Work. Instead, they leave for a second career, or something they truly love, a job of their choice, but a job, none-the-less, with pay, benefits, a supervisor, etc. 

As Americans live longer and healthier lives, the desire to work longer—for the income, the mental engagement, or the chance to do something we love—has grown. 

One excellent resource for a little guidance for the 55+ crowd looking for work you love, is our friend, David Lawrence, XVII.  David Lawrence has been with us before, but you likely know David from his work in movies, TV shows, David is the voice of America Online, David is a writer, a technologist, an artist, an entrepreneur, a long time working actor, as well as acting coach, and voice coach.  

I will tell you this, from my own experience as a student of David’s, David Lawrence XVII shows the way to gain voice over success with compelling stories from people who’ve been there. Presenting the nitty-gritty details of available job opportunities, wages to expect, typical hours, and the qualifications and savvy needed to get hired, David’s classes are packed with practical advice on how to prepare both professionally and financially to start out on becoming a working voice over artist. 

Motivational, inspirational, and thoroughly practical, David Lawrence  explains how to find part-time, temporary, work-at-home, or government work in profitable, rewarding voice over work.

Join me in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show, David Lawrence.