Great Horned Owls: Hiding in Plain Sight-Mark H.X. Glenshaw

Feb 29, 2024 | aging, books, culture, Health, politics, seniors

Great Horned Owls: Hiding in Plain Sight,  Mark H.X. Glenshaw
The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series

Welcome, listeners, to another captivating episode of The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series on radio and podcast. Today, we journey into the heart of urban wilderness to unveil a story of majesty, mystery, and survival. Imagine a top-of-the-food-chain predator, not the bear or mountain lion you might expect, but a creature equally formidable and far closer to home. We’re talking about the Great Horned Owl, a silent guardian of the night skies, thriving in every state but Hawaii, across diverse habitats from dense forests to our very own backyards.

Our special guest, Smithsonian Associate Mark H.X. Glenshaw, an award-winning naturalist, has dedicated over 17 years to observing these magnificent birds. His focus? A particular group of Great Horned Owls in St. Louis’s Forest Park, and one owl in particular named Charles. Mark’s work is not just a study; it’s a testament to the bond formed between humans and owls, offering deep insights into their complex world.  Mark Glenshaw will be appearing at Smithsonian Associates coming up, so please check out our show notes for more on Mark Glenshaw and his full presentation at Smithsonian Associates.


But we have Mark Glenshaw today to tell us briefly, as a tease of his upcoming presentation, and through Mark’s eyes, we’ll explore the silent flight, nocturnal habits, and familial bonds of these owls. Mark Glennshaw tells us today about his journey and what it reveals, not just the science but the soul of these incredible creatures. With audio clips, photos, and videos, we’re brought face-to-face with nature’s profound beauty and the intricacies of owl behavior.

This episode is more than an exploration; it’s an invitation to look beyond the familiar and discover the extraordinary lives unfolding silently around us. Join us as we delve into the world of the Great Horned Owl with Mark Glenshaw, uncovering the wonders of wildlife that share our neighborhoods. Prepare to be enthralled, enlightened, and inspired. This is The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series, where every story brings us closer to the marvels of the natural world. Let’s begin.

My thanks to Smithsonian Associate Mark Glenshaw for his time today and wonderful preparation!  Mark Glenshaw will be appearing at Smithsonian Associates coming up, so please check out our show notes for more on Mark Glenshaw and his full presentation at Smithsonian Associates.  My thanks to the Smithsonian team for all they do to support the show.  My thanks to you, our fantastic audience here on radio and podcast…be well, be safe, and Let’s Talk About Better™ The Not Old Better Show Smithsonian Associates Interview Series on radio and podcast.  Thanks, everybody, and we’ll see you next time.  

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