Dr. Brian Rose – Moviegoing in America

May 5, 2021 | aging, books, culture, Health, politics, seniors, technology

Dr. Brian Rose – Moviegoing in America

The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Art of Living Interview Series

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show.  I’m Paul Vogelzang.  As part of our Smithsonian Associates Art of Living interview series, our guest today is Dr. Brian Rose.

Dr. Brian Rose will be presenting at the Smithsonian Associates program May 12, 2021, and the title of Dr. Rose’s Zoom presentation is Moviegoing in America: Nickelodeons to Movie Palaces to IMAX to Streaming

Ever since the movie industry was born in the 1890s, audiences have been thrilled to watch stories come to life on the big screen. At first, this screen wasn’t very big—nor was attending the stuffy local nickelodeon all that pleasant. But by the 1920s, extravagant movie palaces were constructed in downtowns all over the country and moviegoing was transformed into a luxury experience.

Sadly, this would end in the 1950s with the rise of the suburbs and the explosion of drive-in theaters, followed by shopping-mall multiplexes. Today, going to the movies can be either overwhelming—at seven-story IMAX theaters—or thoroughly unpleasant, as your neighbor gobbles nachos and beer and teenagers talk and text throughout the film. And with the advent of the pandemic, for most of us, moviegoing is now just a memory.

Our guest today, Dr. Brian Rose will be talking with us about those subjects and more, including upcoming trends we’ll see in the near future at theaters either in-home or at a movie house.

Please join me in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show via internet phone,  Smithsonian Associate Dr. Brian Rose.

My thanks to Dr. Brian Rose, who will be presenting at the Smithsonian Associates program on May 12, 2021, and the title of Dr. Rose’s Zoom presentation is Moviegoing in America: Nickelodeons to Movie Palaces to IMAX to Streaming. More details on Dr. Rose’s presentation are available in today’s show notes.  Also, my thanks to the Smithsonian Associates team for all they do to support the show.  My special thanks to you, my wonderful Not Old Better Show audience.  Please be safe, practice smart social distancing, get the vaccine, and Talk About Better. The Not Old Better Show. Thanks, everybody.

For more details on tickets and other information, please click HERE>.
