Chasing Plants – Chris Thorogood

Apr 16, 2023 | aging, books, culture, Health, politics, seniors, technology

Chasing Plants – Chris Thorogood

The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living interview series on radio and podcast. I’m Paul Vogelzang, and as part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art Of Living interview series, we have an amazing interview with Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood, author of the excellent new book Chasing Plants, Journeys with a Botanist through Rainforests, Swamps, and Mountains.   Our guest today, Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood, will be appearing at Smithsonian Associates coming up, so check out our website for more details about Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood presentation titled, Chasing Plants.

Thank you so much for listening. We’ve got a great guest today, whom I’ll introduce in just a moment.  But, quickly, if you missed any episodes, last week was our 709th episode when I spoke to Ralph White, who has written the excellent new book, Getting Out of Saigon.    Two weeks ago, I spoke with Hollywood casting director Joel Thurm who has written the new book, Sex, Drugs & Pilot Season: Confessions of a Casting Director. Excellent subjects for our Not Old Better Show audience. If you missed those shows, along with any others, you can go back and check them out with my entire back catalog of shows, all free for you, there on our website,  You can Google Not Old Better and get everything you need about us!





























Our guest today, Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood, is deputy director and head of science at the University of Oxford Botanic Garden and Arboretum, and Chris is an acclaimed illustrator, beautifully capturing plants from around the world in his new book, Chasing Plants: Journeys with a Botanist through Rainforests, Swamps, and Mountains. Chris Thorogood is a field botanist.  Christ Thorogood will be appearing at Smithsonian Associates, Live from the UK, and coming up, so please check out our website for more details about Chris Thorogood’s Smithsonian Associates presentation titled Chasing Plants.

As a field botanist, Chris Thorogood lives a life of adventures across Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia.  Chris Thorogood has clambered over cliffs and up erupting volcanoes and trekked through typhoons. Along the way, he’s encountered pitcher plants, irises, and orchids of unimaginable beauty.

Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood joins us today to tell us all about his travels discovering rare plants and his vivid paintings, and he’ll share details of hair-raising excursions and explains the vital work he and other botanists are doing to protect the world’s plants.

Please join me in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood.

My thanks to Smithsonian Associate Chris Thorogood for his time today.  Christ Thorogood will be appearing at Smithsonian Associates, Live from the UK, and coming up, so please check out our website for more details about Chris Thorogood’s Smithsonian Associates presentation titled Chasing Plants.  Please check out Chris’ new book, beautifully illustrated by Chris, titled: his new book, Chasing Plants: Journeys with a Botanist through Rainforests, Swamps, and Mountains. My thanks, always, to the Smithsonian team for all they do to support the show. My thanks to you, my wonderful Not Old Better Show audience on radio and podcast.  Please be well, be safe and let’s talk about better: The Not Old Better Show. Remember, just Google Not Old Better for everything you need to know about us.  Thanks, everybody, and we’ll see you next week. 

For more information, please check out the Smithsonian Associates website HERE: