Breaking the Age Barrier: Lyn Slater on Redefining Fashion and Embracing Life’s Second Act with ‘How to Be Old

Mar 21, 2024 | aging, books, culture, Health, politics, seniors, technology

Breaking the Age Barrier: Lyn Slater on Redefining Fashion and Embracing Life’s Second Act with ‘How to Be Old

The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series

Welcome to “The Not Old Better Show, Art of Living” series on radio and podcast.  Today’s episode is sponsored by SEED, promoting health and heart health for our Not Old Better audience.  And, by WILDHEALTH, a proactive and preventative approach to healthcare called Precision Medicine. 

Today we explore the vibrant intersections of life, culture, and the art of thriving at any age. We are diving into a conversation that challenges the conventional narratives of aging and invites us to embrace each year of our lives with style, grace, and a dash of rebellion.

In a world that often equates youth with beauty and relevance, our guest today stands as a beacon of inspiration and a testament to the power of reinvention. Our guest today is Lyn Slater, a former college professor turned global fashion icon, has not only redefined her own path but has also become a symbol of aging with audacity.

At a time when society expects one to fade into the background, Lyn Slater stepped into the spotlight, launching her blog and Instagram as “Accidental Icon,” and quickly capturing the hearts of followers worldwide with her distinctive style, wisdom, and unapologetic embrace of aging.

But Lyn Slater’s journey is more than just a tale of fashion success; it’s a narrative rich with insights into authenticity, self-expression, and the beauty of growing older. Her recent book, “How to Be Old: Lessons in Living Boldly from the Accidental Icon,” is not just a memoir; it’s a manifesto for anyone looking to live boldly at any age. Through her story, Lyn Slater invites us to reconsider what it means to be old, to drain the term of its pejorative connotations, and to see the later years of life not as a time of decline but as a stage rich with potential for growth, creativity, and reinvention.

Lyn Slater will share the lessons she’s learned on her extraordinary journey, explore the significance of slow fashion and sustainability, and uncover the secrets to maintaining authenticity in an age of digital influence. Lyn’s story is a powerful reminder that age is not just a number; it’s a badge of honor, a source of wisdom, and a starting point for new adventures.

So join us as we embark on this enlightening conversation with Lyn Slater, where we’ll discover that being old is not about slowing down—it’s about living your best life, embracing every moment, and proving that the art of living well is timeless. Welcome to “The Not Old Better Show, Art of Living” series, with your host, bringing together stories, conversations, and insights that inspire us to live life to the fullest, no matter the year on our birth certificate. Let’s begin.

My thanks to Lyn Slater for her time today. Her recent book, “How to Be Old: Lessons in Living Boldly from the Accidental Icon,” is available now. My thanks to sponsors, episode is sponsored by SEED, promoting health and heart health for our Not Old Better audience.  And, by WILDHEALTH, a proactive and preventative approach to healthcare, called Precision Medicine.    Please support our sponsors as they in turn support the show.  My thanks to you, our wonderful audience here on radio and podcast.  Please be well, be safe and Let’s Talk About Better™.   The Not Old Better Show on radio and podcast.  Thanks everybody and we’ll see you next week.