Norma Kamali – I Am Invincible

Mar 25, 2021 | aging, books, culture, Health, politics, Science, technology

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show.  I’m Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode #522.  Today’s show is brought to you by Relief Factor.  

Join us today for a once-in-a-lifetime, interview with fashion icon, Norma Kamali. Norma Kamali is considered one of America’s original and most unique fashion designers, Norma Kamali created innovative and influential garments during the 1970s and 1980s— and today, setting the standard for all the biggest names in high fashion.

Norma Kamali, American fashion designer

At 75, Kamali looks—and acts—nearly half her age. As a matter of fact, Norma Kamali says that the traditional language for anti-aging carries the negative stigma of having to meet someone else’s expectations for how you should mature on the surface.  The secret, according to Norma Kamali in her excellent new book, “I Am Invincible,”  writes, aging is learning to age with power: Embracing a healthy lifestyle and looking forward to every milestone and the changes they bring, with the realization that reaching one’s potential has no date. With wisdom and wit, Kamali imparts her lessons on authentic beauty, timeless style, career-building, fitness, and health through personal stories, worldly insight, and actionable advice designed to help women of every age create their happiest, healthiest, most successful, and fulfilling lives.

Don’t miss our incredible interview and a chance to learn from a legend! Please join me in welcoming to The Not Old Better Show, via internet phone, author, fashion icon, Norma Kamali:

My thanks to Norma Kamali, her generous time, and for sharing her new book, “I Am Invincible.” My thanks, as well to sponsor Relief Factor. Please check out Relief Factor and support The Not Old Better Show sponsors.  My thanks always to you, my wonderful Not Old Better Show audience.  Please be safe, be well, practice smart social distancing, and I hope you’re listening while you’re waiting in line for the vaccine!  Remember, let’s talk about better.  The Not Old Better Show.  Thanks, everybody.