New Deal Treasures: Exploring DC’s Artistic Legacy with David Taylor

Aug 8, 2024 | Uncategorized

New Deal Treasures: Exploring DC’s Artistic Legacy with David Taylor
The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series. I’m your host, Paul Vogelzang, and today we have a fascinating episode lined up for you. We’re delighted to have returning guest, Smithsonian Associate David Taylor with us, an acclaimed author and co-producer of the Smithsonian documentary film, “Soul of a People: The WPA Writers’ Project Uncovers Depression America.” 

David is here to share his insights on his upcoming Smithsonian Associates Walking Tour, titled ‘New Deal Projects Walking Tour,’ on the New Deal, a transformative period in American history that not only aimed to revive the economy but also left an indelible mark on the arts and culture.

Against the backdrop of the Great Depression, President Franklin Roosevelt’s New Deal was a bold initiative to use government resources to address crucial public services and stimulate economic growth. Yet, Roosevelt himself predicted that in a hundred years, the New Deal would be remembered more for its contributions to the arts than its job relief efforts. Today, we’ll explore that intriguing prediction through David’s expertise and his engaging walking tour of Washington, D.C.

Smithsonian Associate David Taylor will take us on a journey through time, beginning at Judiciary Square, where we’ll see public sculptures and dramatic courthouse bas reliefs by notable artists like John Gregory. Our route includes the Henry F. Daly Building, a prime example of Classical Moderne architecture funded by the Works Progress Administration, and the Federal Trade Commission Building, adorned with monumental Art Deco sculptures created by WPA artists. We’ll also discuss the renovations of the National Mall and Washington Monument, pivotal projects of the New Deal era.

We’ll conclude our exploration at the Department of the Interior, home to over 40 New Deal-era murals and photomurals by the legendary Ansel Adams. Smithsonian Associate David Taylor’s walking tour offers a unique opportunity to discover these still-visible landmarks and learn about their historical and cultural significance.

So, put on your walking shoes and get ready to delve into the rich artistic legacy of the New Deal with our distinguished guest, Smithsonian Associate David Taylor. Join us now for an enlightening conversation on The Not Old Better Show, Smithsonian Associates Interview Series. 

My thanks to David Taylor and his upcoming Smithsonian Associates Walking Tour, titled ‘New Deal Projects Walking Tour,’ on the New Deal, a transformative period in American history that not only aimed to revive the economy but also left an indelible mark on the arts and culture.  My thanks to you our wonderful audience here on The Not Old Better Show Science Interview Series on radio and podcast.  My thanks to Executive Producer Sam Heninger for all his work on audio and making things run smoothly here on the show.  Please be well, be safe and Let’s Talk About Better ™.  The Not Old Better Show Science Interview Series on radio and podcast. Thanks everybody and we’ll see you next week.