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High Traffic
242K plays in the last 24 hrs and 242M total plays on SoundCloud.

Boomer Niche
Reach and connect with the active 50+ age market.

Formatted for both commercial and public broadcasting, audio and video.

Prominent Guests
Invite and interview prominent guests across diverse domains.
Top 3 Podcasts:
Stephen Merchant – Fighting with my Family
Helen Mirran – “Collateral Beauty” Movie Review
Sir Ben Kingsley – Operation Finale
Mikey K
Podcast With True Substance!
As an avid listener what I enjoy about this podcast is how it’s engineered for all age ranges. As a younger listener I find the podcast not only enriching but enjoyable to share with those I hold dear in their older age. Paul Vogelzang offers truly kind and exhilarating content that reminds me of stories of President Roosevelt fireside chats. I highly encourage giving a listen! The most exciting episodes I’ve noticed have been ones with the Smithsonian Associates! Check out the “Spies” piece which was really cool to listen to after my first spy museum visit! You won’t regret it!
Daniel S. Oleson
“This is the first show I’ve listened to about the 50+ age, boomers… The show talks about top issues boomers face, like employment, careers after 50 years old and other great topics.”
Mr. Clever
“With so many podcasts for 20-somethings, it’s nice to find one for people who are 50+. If you’re looking to create a better life for yourself, you will really love this. Great host and great info. Paul is a very personable host that is a pleasure to listen to”
Brooke Craven
“Paul highlights all aspects of aging and seniors in this can’t miss podcast. The host and expert guests offer insightful advice and information that is helpful to anyone that listens!”
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