Protein Consumption for Older Adults – What’s New?

Fitness Friday Nutrition Series with Mike Glasgow

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show, I’m host Paul Vogelzang, and this is episode 354. Today’s show is brought to you by Heaven’s Maid.


Our show today is part of our Fitness Friday series, and it’s another great one in our Fitness Friday programs. We’ll be hearing from returning guest, nationally known nutritionist, Mike Glasgow. Mike spent over five years working for an Area Agency on Aging in Wisconsin helping to oversee in the Older Americans Act senior congregate dining and Meals on Wheels programs and will join us in just a minute.

We are talking about fitness, health, and nutrition today, and specifically about a protein-rich diet, which is important to health.

According to the National Institutes of Health, up to one-third of older adults don’t eat an adequate amount of protein due to reduced appetite, dental issues, impaired taste, swallowing problems and limited financial resources. Combined with a tendency to become more sedentary, this puts them at risk of deteriorating muscles, compromised mobility, slower recovery from bouts of illness and the loss of independence.

Of course, my thanks to Heaven’s Maid at for sponsoring the show. Please check out the ‘before,’ and ‘after’ photos from recent work by  Heaven’s Maid on my Dad’s grave site.  A special thanks to you, my wonderful Not Old Better Show audience. Please keep your emails coming to me with show ideas, suggestions, and comments: @

Remember, let’s talk about better…The Not Old Better Show. Thanks, everybody.
