#390 Jane Austen, Queen Victoria, Special Travel Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger

Oct 17, 2019 | Art of Living

#390 Jane Austen, Queen Victoria, Special Travel…Interview with Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger

Smithsonian Associates, The Not Old Better Show

Welcome to The Not Old Better Show. I’m your host Paul Vogelzang, and this is show number 390

As part of our Smithsonian Associates, Art of Living series, we’re speaking today to Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger. Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger is a returning guest, a Not Old Better Show audience favorite, and today’s show is going to be extra wonderful. I say extra wonderful for a reason, Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger joins us today to talk about Jane Austen, Queen Victoria, and global travel.

Before you try to solve the “are these all connected,” mystery, let me tell you the connection is Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger, of course, and the sheer number of Smithsonian activities in her upcoming schedule. First up we’ll talk with Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger about the books by Jane Austen and her regency world. We’ll answer the question about what is a regency world and discuss the fact that the Prince Regent was at the heart of contradictions in 1800 England.

All this will be seen through the eyes of Jane Austen and her novels. Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger provides fans of Austen added insight into the characters and their lives, and aficionados of history with the details and dramas that made this one of the most fascinating eras in England.

Regarding Queen Victoria, Wwe’ll talk today with Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger to answer the questions about how the 18-year-old Victoria came to the throne, to rule an England on the brink of industrial expansion, economic progress, and the establishment of the British empire. And, how could a young woman with no experience or training in governance rule a troubled nation through turbulent times?

More? Yes, absolutely, and I’ll let Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger herself describe her big travel announcement, joining us here on The Not Old Better Show, with lots to discuss!

My special thanks to Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger for joining me today, and please check out The Not Old Better Show web site for more details about Carol Ann Lloyd Stanger’s Smithsonian events. And, of course, my thanks always to the wonderful Smithsonian team for all they do to support the show. The Not Old Better Show. Talk About Better. Thanks everybody.
For more details, please check out: https://smithsonianassociates.org/ticketing/tickets/regency-world-of-jane-austen